From High Salvington Mill Trust

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The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is free, open source software that will run on Windows, Mac OSX, GNU/Linux and other platforms. Unsurprisingly it is powerful and fast on GNU/Linux, but may take longer to load on other platforms. The software can be used to select areas of a photograph, copy the selected area into the paste buffer and then past the buffer into a new image that can then be saved as a fresh JPEG or PNG file. This is one way to reduce the size of a photograph that is too large to load via the web interface, i.e. just clip the relevant part.

When saving a new JPEG or PNG file it is possible to reduce the quality. Given that modern digital photographs have high pixel counts but the image loaded into the wiki is likely to be displayed on a lower resolution screen, you can safely reduce the image quality to reduce the file size.