Mill Guides

From High Salvington Mill Trust

MILL GUIDING (revised 2008)


  1. Tickets with times on will be issued at the gate – up to 10 people per group.
  2. Visitors should give their tickets to the step controller before climbing the steps into the mill.
  3. Tours will start in the vicinity of the Glynde wind pump.
  4. A guide will accompany each group round all parts of the mill, starting with the Roundhouse, then the Spoutfloor and the Stonefloor and finally the sails. Encourage visitors to keep their questions until they leave the mill. There will be opportunity to answer these outside the mill when looking at the sails.
  5. No more than 2 groups should be in the body of the mill at the same time.
  6. Try to restrict talks to five minutes in each area, covering the basic history, function and restoration of the mill. We should aim for a tour length of 30 minutes maximum, including moving around. It is very important that guides keep to the allotted time as delays disrupt following groups.
  7. Try to keep your talk at a level suitable for the group you are guiding and refer difficult questions to the lead guide.
  8. If a visitor is particularly interested in the mill ask them if they would consider becoming more involved with the running of the mill or guiding? Perhaps refer them to the lead guide.


The Lead Guide is responsible for the site on open days, and will:

  1. Ensure that water is heated during the morning for teas in the afternoon.
  2. Organise the putting out and collection of notice boards.
  3. Make themselves known to the guides, step controller and gate and ensure adequate guide cover for the day.
  4. Be responsible for clearing up and locking up.
  5. Promote a happy and harmonious atmosphere.


  1. If you are unable to fulfil a duty, please exchange with another guide from the attached list and notify the lead guide for the day of the change. If you are unable to arrange cover please notify the lead guide as early as possible so that a replacement can be found.
  2. Guides are asked to arrive on site at least fifteen minutes before opening to the public, ideally at 2.00pm. They are asked to assist the lead guide in tidying up and securing the site afterwards.
  3. Guides are encouraged to wear white cap with a Mill badge so that they are visible to the public (spares are available). As an alternative there are Badges in the Gate desk drawer but please return to the desk at the end of session.

MILL GUIDING (revised 2008) Continued


Currently there are only three people permitted to run the mill, namely: R. Ashton, P. Casebow, and R. Potts.

  1. One of the above persons must supervise running the sails, but will require at least one assistant to do so. If none of the above is available, the mill sails must not be run.
  2. All guides may lift the mill steps using the talthur to allow the mill to turn slowly about its post. Please ensure that you have received training in using the talthur as misuse can easily cause injury.


  1. A Risk Assessment has been carried out for school visits to the mill and is available on request. A version for Public Open days is yet to be prepared.
  2. Please start your tour with a brief safety message as detailed on the supplied card.
  3. Take care around the main entrance/exit door to the mill body, in particular by avoiding congestion. With this in mind a bar has been installed which should be closed across once your party has passed through the door. Please therefore lead your party into the mill and follow them out.
  4. The current code for evacuating the mill is the two words “EVACUATE, EVACUATE”.
  5. Before handling flour please check with parents/carers that children are not allergic to wheat.
  6. PLEASE, only help people on the steps if you have asked them FIRST, especially children. We must not assume that we can touch children, even if it is to help. ASK for the parent/carer’s consent first.
  7. We must also be mindful of people taking photographs of the mill. Again, if taking pictures of children the parent/carer’s permission must be sought.
  8. We must not administer First Aid. There are First Aid boxes in the KITCHEN, and ROUNDHOUSE. These can be offered to anyone who requests help, but they must apply any treatment themselves. Especially in the case of children: parent/carers must take responsibility for any First Aid. We must not apply plasters or creams in case of allergic reactions; this is the decision of the adult responsible.
  9. The accident book sheet MUST be completed if any personal injury occurs. This book will be in the kitchen. Please ask the lead guide of that day for assistance. All completed accident forms must be handed to the Secretary for safe keeping.