John Tripcony's Fete Plans 2010

From High Salvington Mill Trust

Stalls & Equipment - Manning : Charges : Prizes etc.

John Tripcony's Mill Field Plan for Fete

Arrangements have to be made in advance to engage:

  • The mayor
  • Morrismen
  • St. John's Ambulance
  • The tannoy system
  • Some prizes and bottles for both raffles
  • GSK (Beechams) box of goodies has to be collected from the factory and will provide 31 tombola prizes.


Operator: Steven Atkinson
Equipment and prizes provided by operator.


Operator: Dan & Avril Banting
Mostly provided by stall holders who make a donation.

Bottle Fishing

Prizes: A bottle of pop. Need 8 dozen.
Price: 25p a rod

Bottle Raffle

Sell 20 tickets @ £1 each then draw a winner and start again.

Bouncy Castle

£1 for a five minute session.
Ensure small and large children are kept apart.
Team must include at least one woman.
No longer ordered as the cost plus extra insurance is more than the receipts.

Cake Stall

Operators: Beryl Ouseley, Marion Nicholls
Supply: Those who have said they would make a cake for the day plus 30 from bakers or Melanie Wickett.
Cakes are priced on the day. Tables need to be covered with a cloth or banqueting paper and the stall sheltered with a gazebo.

Card Game

Operators: John and Ann Butler
Provided by stall holder as are the prizes.
25p per go.


Pat Casebow & Doreen McNamara (Doreen needs a lift both ways)
A smooth table is required in the gate house barn.

Coin in the Bath

10p per go.
Usually run by a young person with an older person on hand. The coin is dropped into the water and if it covers all or part of one already in the bottom punter gets both back.


Operators: Stephen & Tracey Casebow
25p per go.
Tossing bean bags into a hole in a slanting board. The highest score by 4.30pm wins a bag of flour.
A blackboard or similar is needed to record score.

Craft Stall

Mostly organised by Dorothy Edney and Sue Smith who makes many of the articles.
(2010 a six foot table only).
Subsequently transferred to the Crafts Fair.

Crockery Smashing

Operstors: Veronica and Richard Pearce and one young person who is employed to pick up the missiles.
25p for three shots.

Duck Fishing

Not 2010
20p per go.
Winners get a box of fruit juice. Grapes given as prizes to very young children.

Dyers & Weavers - Display

Operators: Jackie Stevens and company (4/5) 01243 865676
This group are asked to provide a cake or two for the cake stall. Should they wish to sell their products we charge them a flat £20.

Face Painting

£1 per go.
Ensure painter is covered for the cost of the paints.

Gate Duties

Small table required.
£1 entrance, accompanied children free.
Two people on the gate with a third for the first half hour.

Golfing Game

Operators: Dorothy & Ron Newman
25p for three balls.
Highest score by 4.30pm wins a prize - (Two prizes; senior/junior).

Guess the Weight of the Cake

25p per go.

Horse Shoes

25p for three shots.
Two shoes round one post to win marked cash prize.

Ice Cream Stall

Purchased from C&C or Iceland.
In the run up to the fete fill 40/50 pots with ice cream ready for sale on the day.

Jewellery Stall

Allison Meik

Lace Demonstration

Need two garden brollies.
Mrs. Marion Strotten
These ladies provide two or three cakes for the cake stall and we supply two garden sun shades.

Lollipop Game

Supplied and organised by Dave Fox.
250 per go.

Lucky Dip

Not 2010

Mayor's Escort

Expected at 2.30pm.
Parking cones must be placed outside the gates to the mill. The escort will take the mayor and his/her attachments (normally three) around the stalls, etc. Make sure there are three seats available on the edge of the turning circle so the party can watch the morris dancers.

Meccano Spyrograph


Mill Guides/Step Controllers

Mill Stall

Nerve Game

Photograph Exhibition

Plant Stall


Raffle (Main)

Rat in the Pipe Game


Roll a 2p

Roller Coaster


Sompting Morris Dancers


Try Your Strength

Wey & Arun Canal Stall

Wheel of Fortune

White Elephant Stall